3 Questions From Jesus That Strong Women Need To Answer

Theology Thursdays

It’s Theology Thursday at The Strong Home! On Theology Thursdays we’ll be digging deep into divine things. Don’t let that scare you away! These deep digs won’t be boring or overwhelming. My goal is to give you some practical theology to think about as you work hard to build your strong home. Let’s dig.

Jesus asked a bunch of questions in his short, three year ministry on this earth. A quick glance through a red-letter edition of the gospels will show you quite a few question marks. As a strong woman working to build a strong home, your answer to Jesus’ questions in Scripture will provide you with a foundation on which to build. Without a confident answer to these three questions, you’ll be treading water in the deep end of a very deep pool. But once you can confidently answer these questions, you’re on solid foundation and can start building your strong home.

1. Who do you say that I am?

In Matthew 16:13, we find Jesus chatting with his twelve disciples. He asks them, “Who do you say that I am?” Now Jesus, being fully God, definitely knows the answer to this question already, so he’s not asking it for his own benefit. He’s asking it for theirs. They debate a little about who others believe that he is, but Jesus pins them down and says, “Who do you say that I am?” He’s looking for a confession that he is not just a prophet, but the Christ, the Son of the living God! This time, Peter passes the test. He confesses out loud that this man they’ve been following isn’t just a regular guy – he is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Who do you say that Jesus is?

So let’s hear it. Who do you say that Jesus is? Just like the disciples, we could tell Jesus all about who other people say he is. Some say he’s a good man, a prophet, a historical figure. But who do you say that he is? A declaration of Jesus as Christ means that you acknowledge him as “anointed one”, the one sent to redeem his people. And a declaration of Jesus as Son of the living God means that you acknowledge his divinity. The prophets had foretold that the Son of God would come. But the people expected glorious majesty, not a lowly carpenter’s son born in a stable. So when Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, many didn’t believe him. Do you?

If you aren’t sure, the good news is, Jesus is knowable. He wants us to know him! God has given us His Word, the Bible, to find Him. It’s how people have been knowing God for thousands of years and it will work for you too! If this describes you, check out this free course I have for you called, “Knowing God’s Voice”.

But if you are certain that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, you are ready to build your theology and your strong home!

2. Do you know what I have done for you?

We find Jesus asking this question just after he washed the disciples’ feet. It was just before Passover and Jesus knew full well what lay ahead of him. Of all the acts he could perform in this final chapter of his earthly life, he chose to wash the feet of those who’d followed him faithfully. It was a task normally reserved for servants, but Jesus didn’t hesitate. He had a point to prove. He’d washed the disciple’s feet to set an example for them so that they would wash one another’s feet. Jesus knew that his time on earth was nearing an end and he wanted to send them a message about servanthood, about putting others ahead of themselves. Jesus lived his life to teach us to follow his example and this foot washing ceremony was no exception.

Of course you and I have the benefit of looking back on the entire story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection as we contemplate this question. Do you know what he has done for you? Looking at this specific story in John, we see that he has set an example of servanthood. But branching out farther and wider, we see the full scope of what Jesus has done for us. Jesus lived for us and he died for us. He rose for us and he reigns for us.

Do you know what Jesus has done for you?

These questions of Jesus build upon each other. If you can confidently declare that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, this foot washing takes on an even greater significance. Satan had already put it in the heart of Judas to betray Jesus and yet, here he stooped, washing his feet. He washed the feet of Thomas, who doubted, and the feet of Peter, who would deny him three times. Jesus washed the feet of James and John, who along with Peter, couldn’t even stay awake to keep watch while Jesus prayed and sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Romans 5:8 tells us the most beautiful news of all – while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus Christ, the Son of God – Do you know what he has done for you?

3. Who is it that you’re seeking?

Jesus asks this question three times in the book of John. John 18:4 and 7 tell of the band of soldiers and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees who accompanied Judas to capture Jesus. Jesus knew exactly who they were seeking; he had lived his whole life knowing that this moment would come. The first time they told him they were looking for Jesus of Nazareth, they fell down to the ground when he answered “I am he.” So Jesus asked them again and their answer was the same. We’re not sure why he asked them twice or exactly why they fell to the ground. But this story leaves us brokenhearted, contemplating the idea that Jesus had to be captured in such a way.

The good news is, Jesus asks this question again. This time, he’s already died and risen. The tomb is empty and he is alive! In John 20:15, he appears to Mary Magdalene outside the garden tomb and finds her crying. It’s important to remember again that he already knows the answer when he asks her, “who are you seeking?” As he speaks her name, she realizes that the one she is seeking is standing in front of her.

If you find yourself declaring confidently that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, and you realize what he has done for you, you can’t help but seek him. And when you seek him, you will find him. God says so in Jeremiah 29:13 when he says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

Who is it that you’re seeking?

I hope that you will take some time to meditate on these questions of Jesus. Answer them honestly. After all, we’ve seen that he already knows the answers. The fact that he asks the questions at all reveals how much he cares about your answer. You might find that your truthful answers are not the answers you wish they were. Maybe you aren’t seeking him at all right now. Or it’s possible that you don’t really know what he has done for you or who he is. It’s not too late. I encourage you to start with Knowing God’s Voice and keep reading Scripture for yourself so that you can know him. Your journey to build a strong home starts with one single step.

Who do you say that I am?

Do you know what I have done for you?

Who is it that you’re seeking?

With love and aloha,
