Theology for the Regular Girl

I’m a third semester seminary student so by now, I know ALL the THINGS about the Bible. (Or maybe not so much!) But I have learned a few things since I started eight months ago and when it comes to Bible questions, I pick Dr. Irving’s brain on the regular. I realize that most regular girls won’t have the chance to go to seminary, and they don’t have a resident Doctor of Ministry on the couch next to them, so how are regular girls supposed to develop good theology? Now, don’t go off into a trance here and by all means, don’t click away!  Here’s what I mean – You, yes you, regular girl, need to know what the Bible says. You need to know how to read it and why you should be reading it. You need to know a bit of background and a bit of language. You need to read Scripture every single day and you need to be able to stand strong on what it says.

But here’s the problem. Most of us regular girls have been getting our theology from really questionable places over the years. The scary part is that most of us regular girls don’t even realize that the places we’re building our theology from are questionable at best. Even scarier is that most of us, with the best of intentions, are influencing others around us to get their theology from the same questionable places. Our homes are weak because we just don’t know how to get the answers we need in order to build strong homes.

I want to help you stop that cycle. Check out why your theology matters.