Pro-Life Resources Worth Sharing with Your Circle

How can Christians build a strong, biblical worldview when it comes to abortion and pro-life vs. pro-choice issues? The primary resource you should check is your Bible! God has a lot to say to us about His regard for life, but you won’t know if you don’t read it! Daily time in the Word is the best way to know the heart of the Father. The first resource listed below is a list of Scriptures – start there! Open your Bible and ask the Lord to show you how you can support life the way He wants you to.

Open Your Bible!

Check out this list of Scriptures that reveal God’s plan for life. Focus on the Family is an excellent, reliable resource for developing your biblical worldview regarding abortion and the pro-life movement.

Unplanned by Abby Johnson

This beautiful story of redemption comes in book and movie format, making it the perfect resource to share with your circle of influence. I watched this movie with my teenage daughter, but I wouldn’t recommend it for younger viewers, as the depiction of abortion is pretty intense.

Allie Beth Stuckey

Allie Beth Stuckey is my favorite Christian commentator on current events from a conservative political and theological perspective. Her podcast, Relatable, is chock full of biblically solid commentary on what’s going on in the world today. God has gifted her with a way with words and a boldness to speak! Check out her list of resources on abortion.

Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers is a Christian apologist who speaks about theology and culture. Her voice offers a fresh, pro-life perspective in a time it is so desperately needed. She interviews experts in many different fields to offer evidence and facts to support her Christian worldview. I highly recommend listening to her podcasts on abortion, which you can find here!

Voddie Baucham

Voddie Baucham is an expert on all things pertaining to defending the faith, and his stance on the pro-life movement is no exception. I especially like this message he delivered in 2014 called “A Biblical Worldview on Abortion”. His stuff is theologically sound and just so, so good.

RC Sprout

RC Sproul’s ministry, Ligonier, has an excellent library of pro-life material available online. Check out this six-part series he preached many years ago to develop your own biblical worldview regarding abortion.

The Gospel Coalition

This article by The Gospel Coalition is a fantastic pro-life article to share with your friends and family! We must remember WHO is in control in this great debate of our age. Share away!

This is another article from The Gospel Coalition that answers the question of how we can take a stand for life in a post-Roe world. The Gospel Coalition is an excellent resource for researching Christian perspectives on cultural issues.


If you come across any other biblically solid resources, I’d love for you to share with me! Drop them in the comments or send me a message! And find out more ways that you can support life here!