Weak Women. Strong Women.

Weak women. Are you one? Would you even know it, if you are? 

2 Timothy 3:1-7 is an important message for all of us.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 Scripture

But that’s not all. While the world fills up with people who look godly but aren’t, there’s something else more worriesome.

2 Timothy 3:6-7 Scripture
For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

It’s so easy to go about our business, assuming that good people are Christ-followers. But that’s just not always true. Sadly, there are a lot of church members, Christian authors, bloggers, teachers, and even preachers who have never actually become new creations.

These people call themselves Christians but they are not following Christ. “Sign me up for this ‘Christian-thing'”, they said. No regeneration. No transformation. No power! They have the appearance of godliness but they deny its power. 

But that’s not even the whole problem. These false teachers needed a way to spread their lies. So guess who they went after? The women. Weak women were letting these false teachers into their homes.

Women were the doorway to the home back then. And for the most part, I’d say that’s still true today. In most homes and families, the woman is the one who keeps the calendar, makes scheduling decisions, oversees the day-to-day happenings of the family. She’s the one who looks after the children most of the time, does the shopping, and keeps everyone in line. And most of the time, it’s the woman who thinks about spiritual matters.  

Pay attention here: these false teachers didn’t just worm their way into households looking for women, they wormed their way into households looking for weak women. Even today, these false teachers look for weak women who don’t really know what they believe or why they believe what they believe, women who are trapped in sin or just plain old led astray by various passions.

Not all of their passions are bad. Some are really good, actually. Maybe their passion is their work or their kids or their friends or their hobbies. Whatever these passions are, they’re distracting these women from arriving at a knowledge of the truth! 

So check yourself, women. Are you weak? Is there a worm in your house? Are you believing the false teaching being whispered in your ear because you simply don’t know the difference between a truth and a lie or because you’re so busy, wrapped up in your various passions?

Once these worms, these false teachers, get through you into your household, they will go after your children, after your husband, after everything precious to you.

And remember, they don’t scream lies in your ear, they whisper lies that are so subtle you don’t even realize they’re lies. 

You have to be so careful who you listen do, dear woman. You have to be so careful what teaching you allow into your home.  

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