Adopting Again: The Story of The Irving Eleven

A peek into our week

The Irving family verse is Isaiah 26:8.

Yes, Lord

We know that when you commit to saying “Yes, Lord” to anything God asks of you, you’ve gotta be ready for God to ask you to do some really wild things! We thought maybe the wildest thing He’d ask us to do would be to move 4,000 miles away from home to a little rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. But we’ve since learned that’s not even close to the wildest thing God has for us!

God is calling us to adopt three precious children.

We are humbled and so honored that he would call us to this. And a little bit terrified, if we’re being honest. Here’s how it all went down!

In the summer of 2020, with COVID raging, we made plans to travel to Texas. We were excited to see friends and family and get to spend eight days at Alto Frio Camp and Conference Center, where Chris and I would be speaking at two sessions of their Family Camp. We actually changed our plans several times, wavering back and forth in making the decision to travel during the peak of the pandemic. But ultimately we decided to go and looking back now, we’re so glad we did!

We met the sweetest foster family at camp. The mama and daddy are career foster parents who’ve had over 100 children placed with them. Their three foster kids were absolutely precious. I remember making several comments about wanting to take them, telling their foster mama that I’d take them home in a heartbeat. They ended up staying for both sessions of camp and we all had so much fun together for all eight days. We went swimming, watched fireworks on the Fourth of July, and played with sparklers. We took a big group picture before we all left and we said goodbye, thinking that was the end of that.

Two months later…

I can remember exactly where I was standing when I got the call that changed our family. Their foster mama had texted that afternoon and told me that the kids’ parental rights had been terminated. The social worker had been trying to find family members or friends who would be able and willing to adopt the kids, but hadn’t had any luck so far. She asked if I was serious about wanting to adopt them.

Chris and I prayed and prayed and talked and talked, but we both knew that our answer was already, “Yes, Lord.” We got in touch with the kids’ case worker in Texas and began the journey to adoption. When adoptions take place across state lines, there’s a process called the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) that has to occur. There’s a home study, interviews, background checks, etc. We are in the thick of it all right now, checking things off a long to-do list.

Telling all the kids

Christmas seemed like a good time to tell Matt, Jake, Karalyn, Katie, Kylie, and Ben that they’d be getting new siblings. We told our oldest boys over text because once big boys leave the nest, sometimes that’s the best way to get ahold of them. One night we sat our younger four down and told them the news. There were gasps and squeals and lots of tears. Even the littlest one put his hands over his face and sobbed. I said, “Ben, what’s the matter???” and through his tears, my little seven year old son said four words I will never ever forget.

Yes, my boy, I know just how you feel. But you see, Ben had been asking and praying for a twin brother for quite a while. I’d explained to him many times that it doesn’t quite work that way! But without giving too many details away, let me just tell you that God is answering his prayer.

This week we got to tell our new little three about our plans to adopt them. In Texas, their sweet foster mom got cake and balloons and photo albums of their new family. Here in Hawaii, I got cake and balloons so we could join the celebration too! We all logged onto a Zoom call and I’m telling you, when I saw those three little faces pop up onto the TV screen, I melted inside. We got it all recorded and I so wish that I were allowed to share it with you! One day when they’re officially Irvings, I’ll share and I’ll dare you to watch it without crying.

Now what?

Well, I’m not really sure. We’ve got some interviews coming up and lots more paperwork to sign. Our hope is that our family will be together by this summer. That depends on a lot of moving parts to work correctly, so we will keep hoping! We are also praying, of course. If you want to join us in prayer, here are some specific requests. Please pray:

  1. “Thy will be done.” It’s the prayer that never fails!
  2. That all of the hearts involved would be protected from pain and trauma.
  3. For all of the logistical details to fall into place and for God to provide.

If you’d ever told me that I’d be the homeschooling mom of nine children, I would’ve NEVER, ever, EVER believed you. I can very clearly remember after many months of struggling and trying to have more children, telling God that if Karalyn was the only child we had, we would be content. And now here we are, The Irving Eleven. I never would’ve dreamed it, not in a million years. God’s plans are always good. His plans are always for His glory. We are honored that He is entrusting us with such gifts. And we can’t wait to show you pictures!

With Love and Aloha,

Chris, Amber, Matt, Jake, Karalyn, Katie, Kylie, Ben, and our three new additions

(2) Comments

  1. Isn’t our precious Lord amazing? His plan for our joy and happiness is so far beyond anything we could imagine. Love y’all, and we will be praying! ❤️

    1. thestronghome says:

      Thank you Mona!!

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