Sunsets, Grief with Hope, and Barefoot Church

It’s been a while since you’ve had a peek into our week at The Strong Home! We took it easy with homeschool this week and had a bit of a pre-Spring Break. My favorite part of homeschool – I make the rules! My favorite way to start the week is by going to church on Sunday morning and watching the sunset with my love on Sunday evening. The sunset has gotten to be a part of our weekly routine and it’s something I look forward to each week.

Sunset at Ala Moana Beach Park

So last week was “pre-Spring Break” and this week is Spring Break for us. We did a bit of school last week, but not our usual schedule, and the girls all got to participate in some fun programs. One was Teen Pact, a really neat program that teaches kids about government from a Christian perspective. The other was KidTern Week at UABC, where the girls got a chance to work hard and serve our church alongside our fabulous family minister, DB. While the girls were busy, Ben and I snuck away to have a little fun.

Hunting for stone crabs at Ala Moana Beach Park

Our first stop was the beach with some friends. The kids had fun running around and finding crabs in the rocks and little tide pools. The water at this beach is super shallow and there aren’t really any waves, so it’s the perfect spot for little ones to play while mamas chat.

We also visited the Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center one morning. Ben’s favorite part was the Hawaiian Airlines exhibit, complete with a flight simulator. And we had to grab a pic with this cruise ship, Pride of America. It’s been docked here since the start of the pandemic. During the shut down, we’d go on drives a lot and one of our favorite routes included checking on the ship. We often see it sailing around the southern shores of Oahu these days – I guess they just want to keep it sailing so that one day it will be ready for passengers again.

I snapped a quick selfie while I was doing something very important. I can’t tell you what I was doing yet, but if you’ll stay tuned, I promise to share soon at The Strong Home! Until then, admire this super cute mask! It’s disposable, which is my favorite kind. My friend, Melissa gave me this one and then I ordered a whole box for myself! (You can get them –> here!)

Carol DuBose

I can’t possibly finish this post off without mentioning this precious lady. Ms. Carol got to see Jesus face to face this week, which absolutely blows my mind. She had the sweetest smile and the most beautiful voice. I loved studying the Bible with her and I could listen to her read Scripture all day long. She was a precious jewel of a woman and the world was better with her in it. I’m confident that I will see her again in heaven one day and I grieve with hope. If you’re not sure about where you’ll go when you die one day, I want you to know that you can know for sure. I’d love to tell you about it if you’ll email me at

University Avenue Baptist Church

One of the things about Hawaii life is that sometimes your kid forgets to wear shoes! Turns out none of us are perfect after all…

Aloha from The Strong Home!